July 6, 2012

April, May, June, July

Vacations, mobile uploads, random pics, family pics and holidays from over the past 4 months...

Jackson with cousin Gracie

stole her drink

then they shared lollipops

We've never seen someone so tiny eat as much as Gracie did
on this day! She was inhailing everything in sight, it was hilarious!

bouncin with mama

addicted to iPad apps at the age of 2

drinking like a big boy
hotel fun

 jumping on the trampoline with all his cousins:
Jackson, Gracie, Aspen and Kobie

 child labor

 Uncle Tyson sharing his pizza with Gracie

AWWWW! Hugs for Uncle Tyson

Gracie decided she was OVER wearing a diaper haha

Jackson hanging with his aunt, uncle and cousins

he waves bye to airplanes haha

Ever since he got a hold of some tongs on this day, he's been obsessed with them!
He runs around everyday trying to find new stuff to pick up with them

There's barely any pics of Jackson and mama over the past 2 1/2 years,
so we're trying to change that and get some from here on out...

bunch of smiley pics!

 he loves wearing sunglasses

 passed out eating

Monica and Jackson :)