January 21, 2012

22 & 23 months

Almost 2! Jackson will be two in less than 3 weeks, and time FLEW. He is growing bigger and bigger everyday... he wears 4T and he's not even 2 yet. Jackson has turned into quite the littler helper within the last month, he helps mama unload the dishwasher and helps with the laundry too. He's no longer interested in taking stuff away from us but helping us out by handing us stuff all day long... and its really really sweet. He's still talking but will definitely not perform for you if you ask him to say a word. He talks on his own time when HE wants to. Today he was standing in front of the faucet in the bathroom pointing at it and he said "on". Shocks us sometimes at how much he picks up from just observing us... like grabbing the keys and going to the front door, touching the dead bolt with the keys to try and unlock it. Lots of grunting still instead of actual words but we are in no hurry for him to grow up. Little Einsteins remains his favorite show and Monsters Inc. his favorite movie. He does like to watch Sesame Street but gets a little bored when all the talking between non-puppets goes on : ) We're off to grandma and grandpas in California in a few weeks to celebrate his 2nd birthday, pics to come soon!!!