November 25, 2011

21 months

Jackson has had a very exciting few weeks! He has been talking a lot more in the past month but still has his baby babble rants that no one can understand. He also says "little diddle diddle diddle" all day long and we're not sure what that's suppose to mean. The words we do understand are: hi, bye, apple, hop, more and that. He does have a lot more to say but for the most part he is a very quiet kid. 
We had a large steel gate separating the kitchen from the family room in order to keep Jackson out of the kitchen so he wouldn't get burnt... he started building ladders out of toys to get over it, so we decided it was time for him to be able to get in their with out possibly breaking his neck. We took down the gate and he is heaven being able to run around the kitchen and watch his toys fly across the tile floor. 
This little monster is so large that he is wearing 3t and 4t and hes not even 2 yet! 
Still loves bath time the most, he's a water baby like mama was. 
Terrible 2's has been rearing its ugly head a lot lately, but after watching a few episodes of Super Nanny, our kid is not even close to as bad as these kids are, even on his worse days. Nine more weeks and we'll have a two year old :)