July 13, 2011

17 months

Jackson is almost a year and a half. He is definitely not taking after Daddy when it comes to being a performer, when you ask him to say something he gives you a look of  "efff off"... but he will copy you on his own without you telling him or asking him to. He is definitely very very independent and is by no means a follower.
The past three weeks have been hell for him! His molars have all come in at the same time and he was so grumpy... he also had the worst diaper rash in the world due to all the diarrhea. Poor little guy spent a few days there with his butt up in the air laying down because it hurt for him to walk around with all the open sores on his butt. We did the best we could and are happy that he is now back to himself.. and diaper rash free at the moment.
Jackson is very sneaky! He plays dumb when it comes to lots of stuff but then when we aren't looking he will do the most amazing things like: arranging the couch cushions just right to create and indoor slide, stacking up objects to create a ladder to get over the baby gates, repeatedly pushing or pulling on something as hard as he can to test its strength only to keep going back and back to it until sometimes it just breaks.
His new favorite show to watch is Sesame Street... he's always watched it but never sat thru it, now he's glued every time its on TV.
He has discovered his eye lids haha... we'll look over at him and he'll be blinking reapeatedly and touching his eyes. Its very funny to watch him close them really tight and open them fast, over and over again.
He was set to take his first gymboree classes this past week but with the diaper rash and extreme heat here, we decided to put it off until next month. Excited that its only 3 months until Halloween (mama and Daddys favorite holiday),  we cant wait to take him trick-or-treating this year!