January 5, 2011

10 months

Jackson is walking!!! Tyson and I were watching tv one afternoon and out of the corner of ours eyes, Jackson let go of the bed and walked 5 steps across the bedroom. Now that he figured it out, hes been trying to walk everywhere. He wobbles around like a little drunk man but still keeps trying more and more everyday to walk. He has become such an independent baby... when we try to help him walk he pushes our hands away to do it himself. We are starting to teach him sign language and he is catching on very quickly. When we tell him to, he: raises his arms, shakes his head yes and no, grabs his toes, claps and is learning more everday. He has just discovered how to throw things, but only does it over his shoulder... he likes clearing off the dvd rack by throwing them one by one over his shoulder. He is still not eating very many table scraps without gagging but he is eager to try at least. He loves music and is starting to dance when he hears it. He is very vocal and knows to repeat "mama" over and over again when he wants something. He still loves bath time the most!!!