January 19, 2011

11 months

Jackson is 11 months old and in 2 1/2 weeks will be turning 1! I have many mixed emotions as a mama... I'm sad and happy at the same time. The first year went by TOO QUICKLY. I remember watching him sitting there at 2 months old and anticipating the weeks unitl he was able to walk and interact with us, now I wish I would have soaked up more of him as a teeny baby. Jackson is definitely our WILD CHILD! He has no fear when it comes to leaping off the bed and climbing up stuff. He makes noises and babbles his baby language all day long. He learned how to walk 3 weeks ago and is now attempting to run. Hes very tall and huskey for his age... he no longer fits into 12 months (even tho he will be 12 months here soon) and is even fitting into a few 24 months clothing already. Jackson has brought such joy to our lives and is the best thing ever. Everything people say about babies is true, they change your life and are amazing to watch from day to day. We are very blessed to have such a happy healthy baby and can't imagine life without our little man.

January 9, 2011

Playdate with Hunter

reeking havoc on Hunters toys


Jackson tyring to head-butt Hunter

aww holding hands!

two lil studs

Jackson in Hunters 'bubble'


 trying to tackle

 stare down

Jackson wore him out

"cmon lets play more"