February 1, 2010

The Pregnancy

My pregnancy is nearing the end! I have a scheduled c-section set for Sunday, February 7th 2010 @ 7:30 am. I'm nervous because Ive never had surgery before, yet I am very confident in my doctor and in the hospital. My pregnancy went very well for the first half, then what was being called "heartburn" decided to hit...come to find out it was actually gallstones instead and has continued to cause me pain throughout my entire pregnancy. Jackson has been fine and has taken everything he needs from me to stay healthy...including nearly 20 pounds. The only plus size to losing weight during pregnancy is that I never had to buy maternity clothes and I wont have to struggle with getting off that baby weight after the baby is here. Other than that my pregnancy has been good...Jackson has been quiet the mover! He likes to kick and twirl all day long, no matter what time of day it is. He gets hiccups at least 2 times a day which is something I learned I also had when my mother was pregnant with me. His favorite position is side ways across my belly, then he will push his feet out full force on my right side...if you feel the point of pressure you can clearly tell its feet. With just over a week left of the pregnancy, Tyson and I are excited and are both very ready to take on the role of MOM & DAD!!!!