October 23, 2011

our HUGE 20 month old!!!

such a handsome boy

stud muffin peak

October 10, 2011

mobile uploads + random pics

He absolutely loves waffles!

playing with daddy

I think someone wants to take a bath... he loves the water!!!

he went crazy for Lucky Charms! lol

"i love popcorn chicken"
way too big for this seat!
learning how to climb out

19 & 20 months

Jackson is almost 2! Its fun to watch him learn more and more everyday, but its sad to see him look less and less like a baby and more like a little boy. He is definitely a little daredevil still, don't think he will grow out of that phase, its just his nature. He jumps off the coffee table no hands and lands perfectly on his feet... he also likes to jump off onto the couch. Still huge for his age, he's not even 2 and fits perfectly into 3T clothing. Teething has not been a fun experience for Jackson... first time around he got the worst bloody diaper rash and just few weeks ago he had the highest fever he's ever had and also lost a bit of weight from not eating. Two more teeth to go and he will have his full set of baby teeth. Still not much of an eater, except when he has growth spurts. He fake sneezes now, its hilarious and very over the top dramatic lol. Using objects to climb onto of the entertainment center is his favorite activity at the moment... he even emptied my plastic cup and tried to stand on top of that. He has a lot to say all the time but Tyson and I still cant understand what he's saying. Coming up on Halloween now, we are so anxious to take him trick-or-treating for the first time!!!