August 28, 2011

cute little crum face

grooming himself, yummy!

August 25, 2011


Jackson has always said mama and dada, but his favortie word to date is "HI". He nows say "bye" (while he waves), kinda says "doggie", "ta-da" (when he's all done eating) and "all done". He can point out everything on the face and few other body parts like toes and hands : )

August 18, 2011

taking advantage of summer while it lasts

This little terd of a child kept pushing Jackson because he was trying to play witht the little girl too.
Jackson never pushed or touched him back but Jackson stood his ground and just kept walking closer to the kid like "you're not gonna intimidate me" and...
                                                   ...Jackson won the girl in the end LOL.


18 months

Jackson is now a year and a half. We can't believe how fast it went by... he'll be going to school before we know it. His latest new activities include jumping off of the coffee table onto the couch... gives us a heart attack everytime he does it and he just laughs. He's such a dare devil and has gotten worse with his bravery and trust off jumping off things or diving off things. He growls at us when we get after him about something LOL... then he give us the eye brows at the same time! He's doing great at feeding himself... sometimes he just plays with the food, sometimes he doesnt feel like doing it himself and other times he just wants to suck on the fork. He still is not much of an eater. The only time he eats a lot is when he has a growth spurt, other than that he sees meal time as a waste of time that he could be playing, even if there's chocolate or something sweet sitting there for him. Jackson is still huge! When we take him places the three year olds try to talk to him because he's the same height and size, but they dont get why he wont talk back to them. He's really good with other kids! His very first classes start next month so we will definitely have more pictures to come :)