June 16, 2011

so tiny, so cute

This is obviously an older picture that I came across the other day and wanted to post it. Daddy got this shot of Jackson while mama got to sleep in... I just love how Tyson lined up all the stuffed animals for the picture too LOL

I was reading my book the other morning and Jackson grabbed his book as well, crawled up next to me and began to "read" it LOL... it was really cute!

June 13, 2011

his many sleeping ways

Jackson has fought his sleep since day one. He would cry and fidget for 20 mintues to an hour because he was fighting to keep his eyes open as long as he possibly could to not miss any of the action going on around him. We're not sure what changed, but now he just gives into sleep and doesnt try to fight it anymore... he will literally pass out in two seconds! Here are some of those moments over the past two weeks :)

Jacksons playdate with Hunter!

reading together

being goofy together

Jackson was very glued to Monsters Inc

smiley boy

jackson is showing off for Hunter here

June 3, 2011

mix of recent pics

Im not doing anything wrong, just looking at the menu...

...just taking a closer look...

...and im eating it!!

June 2, 2011

15, almost 16 months

Jackson is almost 16 months and growing up too fast. His favorite thing to do is play in the backyard! He drags around little plastic yard tools we bought for him and he also plays in his pool any chance he can. Yesterday he fell into the cactus and we spent the afternoon pulling out pricklies from his arm and hand... he didn't shed one tear and was super tough when we were pulling them out. Needless to say, that cactus will have to be moved before he can play out there again. Jackson is a very picky eater, we have to force him to try certain foods because he will look at it and decide he doesn't like it LOL. With all the running he does all day long we wonder how he keeps weight on him, when he eats like a bird. We are all glad the winter is over with so we don't pass around anymore viruses between each other. Jackson has had two ear infections, double eye infection, two colds and two flu's. Hoping none of us get sick again for a long time! Jackson keeps trying to talk to us but we never know what he's trying to say. Sometimes his voice will go up at the end of a sentence like he's trying to ask us a question, but we still have no idea what he's saying haha. He continues to test his boundaries every single day with us but we are glad that his tantrum phase has ended, the preview of the terrible two's was no fun. He continues to laugh a lot, and he has the best laugh in the world... always puts us in a better mood : ) More videos and pics to come... enjoy!

You Tube page

We were having issues posting video onto the blog, it always takes 5 hours to upload one tiny video. So we created a you tube page! Its much easier for family and friends to view our videos and a lot easier for us to upload. There's a film strip at the top of the blog that shows current you tube videos we uploaded... or you can search on you tube for our page which is under TrippFamily702. The page has mostly videos of Jackson of course, but occasionally im sure there will be a few of us too : ) Enjoy!