May 19, 2011

Mississippi Trip

This blog entry is going to be more of a family entry then just a "jackson" entry. All three of us had the best time in Mississippi. We stayed in Mississippi but right near the border of Tennesse, so we spent our vacation exploring both states. Jackson was a complete angel the whole trip, we were shocked our WILD CHILD could be soooo good! He had a great time playing with the other kids and seeing new places. He had the most fun at Hooters in down town Memphis... he wouldnt stop checking out all the girls in their little orange shorts. Wish I would have gotten some decent shots but forgot the camera... he eventually got to the point during lunch where he'd throw his toy down and the girls would come over and pick it up and talk to him... this gave him the biggest smile ever. Pat and Suzanne's wedding was absolutely beautiful and we loved being able to see all our family.

it was both their first time on a plane!
Tyson was like a little kid

Mama doesnt like to fly

carseat backpack... this is how he had to carry the car seat thru the airport
because we forgot to bring the cart for it

some shots from the plane...

The Mississippi River

The Grand Canyon

Its a little fuzzy but this is Airforce One... it landed at Memphis International the day we were headed back to Vegas. We were next to take off but had to sit on the runway for 25 min. with the engines off because Obama landed.

@Memphis International waiting for our baggage

Beale Street
Tyson was in heaven, he got to take this guitar factory tour.

This guy was playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for Jackson.

This was Memphis' version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but it was all musicians


Sun Studio
This is where Johhny Cash and Elvis recorded.
This is the actual studio, you can see it in the movie Walk the Line.

Tyson was really excited to be standing int he same spot that Johnny Cash once did

 Swimming, tourist pictures, and other randoms pics

Jackson looked so tiny on this huge bed

wearing Jacksons clothes LOL

love the way he's looking up at his grand-aunt Debbie

We cant believe these people actually exist, like on Twister they chase tornados... also didnt make us feel too secure that he was in our area hunting for tornados!