April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

Jackson spent the majority of his time on Easter Sunday playing in his pool. We gave him his Easter bucket first thing in the morning and he was less than thrilled by it haha. In late afternoon we attempted an egg hunt that he didnt quite understand but managed to do better than we thought... we filled his eggs with cheerios! Turned out to be an okay Easter, hopefully next year can be spent hunting eggs with his cousin Gracie :)

April 20, 2011

Thank you Aunt Crystal and Uncle Joey!!!

Jackson got the cutest Easter Basket in the mail from his aunt and uncle in California...
the shirt is our favorite!!

April 13, 2011


his first word

Jackson barking like a dog

Belly laugh, laughing at grandpa

Being goofy

with mama at Bonnie Springs

he was really enjoying opening the drawer

playing with Daddy

playing with mama

April 11, 2011

food coma

13 & 14 months

I usually do a monthly writing letting everyone know what Jackson is up to. I literally haven't had time to write because Jackson is ALL OVER THE PLACE! He's climbing up things, jumping off things, running like a mad man and we don't know how he'll make it to 2 without a broken bone.

  • Jackson's first word is "HI"... when it comes out, its kind of a cross between "hey" and "hi", but its very sweet, and very high pitched coming out of his cute little mouth.
  • Jackson is still having issues with his allergies, but nothing to worry too much about. He luckily hasn't gotten anymore viruses since the awful cold at the beginning of February.
  • Right now he is totally Grandpas buddy, he follows his grandpa Larry around everywhere and loves to go in the backyard with him... Jackson drags around a lil rake trying to contribute to the yard work.
  • He is still scared of all men, but particularly old men with grey eye brows and grey hair lol.
  • He has turned into quite the little ladies man already! In public he always gives this little half smile to women and then a little laugh, gets em' every time.
  • He loves Sprout channel, which has educational shows for toddler and pre-schoolers... Bob the Builder, The Wiggles, Pajanimals and Cailou are his favorites. Elmo used to be his favorite until an episodes called "The Weather Episode"... there was a talking tornado with big eyes and big bushy grey eyebrows. The Tornado completely freaked him out, he was screaming and shaking in the corner of his crib not able to keep his eyes off the TV screen.
  • Jackson's favorite food right now is smoothies. Mama learned how to make fat free smoothies so we both have one every morning and he just cant get enough.
  • Jackson has also entered the toddler tantrum phase! Should be fun with him for three hours on a plane in May for his Uncle Pats wedding in Memphis Tennessee. Baby's first plane ride up next...

April 1, 2011

playing with mama

Its rare that Tyson is ever behind the camera so I kinda fell in love with these pictures of Jackson and I playing...there arent many candid shots oh he and I because mama is the photographer in the family.

He always knows how to make me laugh.

I love this lil goob so much!!!

....here's a few of him being silly...

Jacksons Harry Potter scrape!

Jackson tripped in the backyard the other day and fell on the gravel. He didnt hurt himself bad, just a few scrapes on his forehead and his arm. The mark left on his forehead looks just like Harry Potters scar. He just needs the little glasses and he can be baby HP! (it looks fake, but its not)