November 12, 2010


I finally figured out how to post clips from our little blue digital camera....
heres a few old and new!


November 9, 2010

This is Jackson at 8 months, and daddy at 7 months.
Not only does he look just like Tyson now, he looks exactaly like Tyson did as a baby.
They even have the same bottom two front teeth.
I think its official, that he has nothing of me in him!

November 1, 2010


Jackson hated Halloween!!!
He hated us dressing him up and didnt care to see any kids.
He freaked out seeing daddy in a womans black wig.
He enjoyed the little carnival we took him to a few days prior to Halloween.
He was too small to go on any rides but he did get to pet a horse and do what he loves to do the most ... people watch!