October 27, 2010

almost 9 months old

Jackson is almost 9 months old and growing too fast!
He is walking around furniture and tyring to stand up on his own.
He gets brave sometimes and tries to let go of the furniture and walk by himself, but he falls on his butt everytime.
Still loving his bath time the most, he crawls so fast when he hears the bath turn on.
He waves hello to people and understands what it means now.
We take him to grocerey stores as much as we can because he really loves to watch people.
He had his first hair cut a few weeks ago, his hair was just too long and growing in really strange, people say he looks even more like daddy with his hair shorter...I think when he smiles he looks like mama a little bit. Jackson gets to experience his first Halloween this weekend, pictures to come soon =)

October 26, 2010