June 21, 2010

he's on the move!

Jackson is starting to scoot around now. He first rolled over 3 weeks go, from his stomach to his back. Just one week ago he learn how to roll from his back to his stomach and from there, that was it for him. He is now scooting across the floor...it takes him a while, but he gets to where he wants to be. All he needs to do is figure out how to push his elbows off the ground into a push-up position and he can crawl. Time to start baby proofing!!!!

June 1, 2010

Mobile uploads


Jacksons favortie sound to make all the time: AGOOOOOOOOOOO! He agoo's all day long

4 months

Jackson is 4 months old!! Tyson and I can no longer leave him while we run to grab a diaper or wipes, hes rolling over on his own. When we put him in his crib at night, we wake up to him facing the opposite way and soon enough Im sure he'll be on his belly too. He is already a little dare devil like daddy, he likes it when we throw him up in the air and when we tilt him upside down. He has no fears and this kinda scares me a bit. I think we are the only parents in the history of the world who are excited and anticipating him crawling...at this stage he gets so frustrated not being able to go anywhere that we have to entertain him to keep him happy. He gets those uncontrollable belly laughs that are too cute and the best sound in the world. Jackson wakes up LITERALLY with a smile on his face everyday, its awesome to wake up tired and look down at his smiley face. He also hates to bend his legs, we have to force him to bend because his legs are stick straight all the time.